Elise Drama: I'm a Freedom Passionista

One of the great joys of following our passions is that we can pretty much work from wherever we like. Imagine foregoing office attire and high heals for sweater pants and slippers while you're managing your daily duties. But our most recent guest, Elise Drama, takes location independence to a whole new level. Darma has turned the wanderlust she discovered years ago into a career that allows her to work anywhere in the world. Elise is the founder of the international marketing agency Canupy and a full-time traveling entrepreneur. Just go to her Instagram page and you'll see all the amazing destinations she's visited. It's no surprise that she's been inspired by the likes of Eat Pray Love author Elizabeth Gilbert and No Reservations's star Anthony Bourdain. And that she defines location independence as her form of success. Still the idea of leaving the desk job behind can be overwhelming for some. That's why Elise offers online courses and one-on-one coaching on the topic. Her best advice — "You take that step, you see how it is and you evolve. You pivot if you need to. But the important thing is taking that step." Listen to the latest episode of The Passionistas Project Podcast to hear about Elise Darma’s incredible journeys as a travelpreneur. And visit elisedarma.com to learn more about how you can live a location independent life.