Nancy Harrington: I'm a Passionistas Passionista

Photo by Pop Culture Passionistas
Anybody who knows Nancy and I marvels at our relationship. Not only have we been best friends since the day I was born, but we became business partners over 15 years ago and are closer than ever. We've been called Laverne and Shirley (we both like to think we're Laverne). Some people don't know who we are if we approach them when we're alone, only to light up with recognition when they see us together. We often joke that we live by the code of ice dancers that we perform our best when we stay close together during our daily routine. Now I want to share all thing things that make Nancy so wonderful with all of you through my interview with her for The Passionistas Project Podcast. You'll hopefully pick up on the fact that Nancy is possibly the kindest person ever — but with a bit of an edge that she doesn't reveal to most people. You will certainly learn that Nancy is an introvert who has learned to overcome her shyness through the art of the interview. And you'll definitely discover that my beautiful sister is one of the most loyal, passionate and hard working people on the planet. Most people go through life hoping to meet someone who totally gets them, who will walk shoulder to shoulder with them through the highs and lows of life, who makes them laugh, who makes them think, who challenges them to be a better person but forgives them when they fall a little short, who loves you for who you are. I was born with that person by my side. I know that I'll never win the lottery... because I already hit the jackpot when the universe gave me the gift of Nancy. Here's an excerpt from the interview. What are you most passionate about and how does that translate into what you do for a living? Nancy: I'm most passionate about giving a voice to women who aren't ordinarily heard. I feel like in this day and age it's really important that women's voices get louder. And I think with The Passionistas Project we are supporting those voices and inspiring other women to have voice. So I want to help shine a light on the women that are doing good for the world, that are bringing happiness to the world, that are bringing a positive message to the world because I feel like everything is so dark and scary right now and I'd like the compassion that women have to be the feeling that permeates throughout the world. Passionistas: We started The Passionistas Project in the advent of the #MeToo and Time's Up movements. What was your personal motivation for starting the podcast? Nancy: We had been talking about doing a podcast for a while and we didn't know what we wanted to do. The natural progression would have been for us to do something pop culture related and in all honesty it just seemed trivial. And I think for a long time we both, and I certainly will just speak for myself, but I was feeling like TV is fun and I know there's a value to escapism and being entertained, but I felt like the world was crashing down around me and I wanted to do something more important. I wanted to give back, I wanted to contribute, I wanted to be involved. So as the #MeToo and Time's Up, movements were really taking hold, we both realized that this was a way for us to use the skills that we've developed and the thing that we really love the most of everything we'd been doing for the last 10 years, which was interviewing people to go out and tell the stories. Not of the tragedies that are happening with women in the world but of the positive uplifting things that women are doing. And really shining a light on those amazing stories and those amazing women. Passionistas: Describe what it's like working alongside your sister. Nancy: Amy and I have been best friends since the day she was born. The folklore in the family, though, I tend to not really believe it, but the folklore is that when I was four years old, I ordered a baby sister from my mother because I didn't want her to be lonely when I went to kindergarten. So whether that's true or not, the day Amy was born, she became my baby. She was my best friend. We were always together. So the idea that we now can walk side by side on this journey means the world to me and there's no one that I trust more. There's no one with the same work ethic. There's no one with the same energy. We're just always in sync and it makes it really easy. I just can't think of anybody who would have my back more. I never have to worry that I'm going to be let down. And I think we both actually feel like we're letting the other one down because she's so kick ass that I can't even imagine that I'm halfway as good as she is. She's talented, she's creative, she's brilliant, she's funny and I never wanted to do anything that doesn't involve her again. You can hear this week's episode of The Passionistas Project Podcast here.