Jessica Lorion’s Mary Poppins Experience
Photo courtesy of Jessica Lorion Jessica Lorion is the host and producer of the Mamas in Training podcast. Her passion is supporting...

Lori Lynn: I'm an Early Childhood Passionista
Lori Lynn is a national early childhood specialist and international speaker and an award-winning children's singer/songwriter. She's the...

Passionista Linda Goetz — Actor, Writer & Director
Linda Goetz has had a very successful career as an actor in the greater Boston area. She was nominated for Best Actress by the...

Terry Ann Gordon: I'm a Food... Art... Movie... Costumes... Teaching Passionista
Three-time Emmy Nominee Terry Ann Gordon Last summer we were invited to attend the Intern Mixer at the Television Academy. As researchers...

Dan Castellaneta on For Piano and Harpo
(LtoR) Jonathan Stark, Dan Castellaneta, Phil Proctor, and JD Cullum in For Piano and Harpo. Photo by Sasha A Venola. Dan Castellaneta,...

Jai Rodriguez on Buyer & Cellar, Barbra Streisand and Celebrity
Photo courtesy of the Falcon Theatre Most TV fans don’t know that Jai Rodriguez, best known as the Culture Vulture from Queer Eye for the...