Gabrielle Claiborne: I'm an Authentic Passionista
Gabrielle Claiborne is the CEO and Co-Founder of Transformation Journeys Worldwide, a cutting edge, transgender focused inclusion,...

Sophie Kim: I'm a Poetic Passionista
This fall, Harvard University will welcome a new freshman who is ready to take on the world. Our latest Passionista,18-year-old Sophie...

Passionista Erica Wright: I'm a Love Passionista
It's impossible to drive through the streets of Los Angeles, see the growing numbers of homeless people along the river and under...

Jessie Jacobson: I'm a Com-Passionista
It's interesting how you can know someone for years but not know their whole story. Jessie Jacobson is someone we've had meals with, gone...

Liz Lachman: I'm a Sword and Sorcery Passionista
We are beyond excited that, once again, our idea to have our interviewees nominate another Passionista really paid off. We are so...

Susan Feniger: I'm a Street Pop + Philanthropy Passionista
Photo by Pop Culture Passionistas When the Food Network was first gaining momentum, we were in our 20's, launching our careers and not...

Natasha Case: I'm a Food + Design Passionista
Natasha Case, Co-Founder and CEO, Coolhaus The idea came to us late one night. We had been talking about doing a podcast for a long time....