Amy Honey: I'm a Sales Tai Chi Passionista

Amy Honey is a pull, no punches, powerhouse, speaker and trainer in the areas of customer engagement, body language, behavior modification, sales and habit transformation. She has extensive background in high ticket sales and is known by her peers. As a powerful closer, Amy is also passionate about helping girls and women find their courage just as she had to do starting at the age of 16, when she found herself alone and independent through her own resourcefulness, she still managed to graduate from high school.
At age 20, she became a single mom and chose to put her family's welfare first while overcoming numerous obstacles in an unreceptive marketplace. It was during these life challenges and her entrepreneurial journey that she crossed paths with personal development and discovered her love for speaking and training her passion for personal growth travel and transforming lives has taken Amy all over the world, helping people transform their lives through behavior, observation and habit change.
Here’s an excerpt from our interview with Amy.
Passionistas: What are you most passionate about?
Amy Honey: Personal growth. My path through that is sales. Do you ever watch any of the Chef Gordon Ramsey stuff? He does this show called “Kitchen Nightmares” and he goes in and what that show’s really about is about personal growth. But his avenue is through cooking. So that's his version of it. So I think everybody has their version of personal growth.
Passionistas: Talk about your journey through life. At the age of 16 you became independent Why has personal growth become such an important concept to you through your journey?
Amy Honey: I probably started in sales at two years old. I loved the idea of being able to create something and then make money for my time or my creation. And so even as a little kid, I made like pet rocks and sold them to my family or we would travel through Germany were my dad was in the military. So we traveled. And I was adopted so I’m an only child. That will come into play later. So we were traveling through Germany and we had this like VW bus and it had this rack in between. So it was very difficult for my parents to get to the back of the VW bus the camper. And the refrigerators right there. So they would ask me for food and I would just charge them.
So it was like, it'd be like a nickel, like, okay. Yeah. And I would like walk up with my little… you know, I'm like eight years old and I'd walk up with my little paper and say, “Okay, I'll take your order. Okay. That'll be five cents.” But they paid it because they didn't want to get it into the back of the bus. Little did I realize supply and demand but I learned it very early on, I guess. And so then from there, later on, I actually started out. So I was a dance instructor. So I'm really into dance. I'm really into moving energy. So I became a dance instructor at age 13. So very young, my dad, since the time I was three taught jazz, tap, ballet, gymnastics. I taught everything. I started assistant teaching at 13.
And then by the age of 16, I was teaching my own classes. And then at the same time I was working two jobs and going to high school. So I was working on the phones for Kirby vacuum cleaners. So I sold Kirby vacuum cleaners on the phone from the age of 14. And then at the age of 16, I was allowed to go door to door. So I wasn't allowed to do door to door sales until I turned 16. So this is back in the eighties, dating myself here. So at that point, I just was good at talking to people because for me, it was about connecting.
And then at age 16, I'm out on my own. And I moved out on my mom and dad's house. I just they're great people. We just had large differences in opinions. It's very interesting. DNA to me is very interesting because my parents are really good people but I got the opportunity to meet my birth family about five years ago. And now I'm really, really close with my brothers. I've got four brothers that never knew I existed. And so what I found so interesting is that I'm so much like them in the way that I think about the world and my sense of humor and all that stuff it's naturally in your DNA. Right. And so there was just a difference of opinion.
And so when I moved out at 16, I always felt like it, like I did something wrong. This is my fault. I'm a bad kid. I'm horrible person. But in the meantime, I am putting myself through high school. Like I still worked. I still graduated high school on time. So, you know, it was, I was just had a really, I always had a really strong work ethic anyway, but I also had an ethic of like, okay, I just, whatever it takes to get it done, like whatever it takes to get it done at the same time, I started really seeking at that point.
Because I really thought something was wrong with me. Like I was, something was wrong with me. So I started seeking and I sought out counseling and I sought out, you know, which was also kind of like wrong. Like if you went to counseling, like by my parents' standard, you know, you were wrong or you needed to be fixed or something goes wrong with you. But I don't think that we put enough emphasis on the importance of mental health. So I just started seeking and I, I started finding books and I remember one of the very first books I read way back, when is a book called peeling, the sweet onion. And it was always all about the layers of who we are and how we're going to forget it kind of over and over and over again, and how to really become more of, of the center of who we are, like getting the layers of the, kind of the crap off, you know?
And so that was one of the very first and it's, it's an old book and it's not really popular these days, but it's still super relevant, like really super relevant. So, and then I just, you know, went on to Tony Robbins and you know, all of these other people. And then I started working in the seminar industry, doing sales, like doing sales, but doing coaching because for me, sales is not just like getting the number, like it's funny. Cause like I get on, like I talk to my family all the time. I was just talking to them last night and you know, all sale. I had a good day or I had a bad day, you know? Uh, and, and my daughter was asking me, well, what, what makes it good is like, if you just get a sale and I said, no, no, it's the conversation.
If I can get on the phone and help somebody and have a great conversation and they don't buy anything from me, I had a great day because I impacted somebody's life in a way. So to me, sales is about service and connecting the right people with the right products and figuring out the right flow of energy with the sale. So maybe that right flow of energy might be a no, but when you come to the highest point of service with that person, and you're not just looking at them as a transaction or a number, when they are ready, they will come back to you and maybe they never will be ready and that's okay too. But if you push them into a sale, you're going to it's, it's just, it's horrible, bad karma on you. I think bad energy on you. You're, that's where you're going to get higher cancellations. You're going to get people complaining about your company. You're going to get all these things, right. So to me, it's just not worth it to push a person into a sale.
Find out more about Amy Honey here.
Listen to our whole interview with Amy here.