Call the ADA: A Frank Conversation About Disability Rights
Friday, August 20, 1 pm EST/10 am PST
Selene Luna and Cara Reedy
Producing-partners Cara Reedy and Selene Luna are on a mission to create a space that ensures equity in the entertainment business, allowing artists with disabilities an equal platform. Reedy and Luna will screen Call the ADA, a segment from the variety show they’ve created, followed by a discussion that explores the need for an intersectional feminist movement.
Expanding the Gender Equity Conversation to Include ALL Women
Saturday, August 21, 10am
Gabrielle Claiborne, Moderator
Jamie Bergeron
Tori Cooper
Jessie Jacobson
Sandy Mollett
In this panel discussion you will hear the personal stories from women of different lived experiences and intersections from the perspective of race, gender, sexual orientation, age, etc. Through these stories, you will learn about their marginalized experiences, as well as the common threads that connect ALL of us, regardless of our differences, and how we can leverage our uniqueness to advocate for a more inclusive and welcoming sisterhood.
Her Legacy: Women & Wealth
Saturday, August 21, 10am
Nekei Lewis and Kimberly Gilgeours
A conversation about women and finance and how you can create a legacy by understanding through finance literacy wealth strategies.
5 Simple Habits to Create Trust, and Build Relationships in the Digital Era
On-Demand Presentation
Julie DeLucca-Collins
During this presentation You will learn effective ways to build sustainable connections, create trust between colleagues or clients, and forge lasting relationships that are strong and authentic. During this workshop, Julie shares best practices that can be easily incorporated during digital interactions in our post-Covid-19 world. Many individuals feel lost, isolated, out of sync, and out of sight. Using her tips, we can forge ahead collectively to live in a digital world and feel good.
Stop Jewish Hate
Friday, August 20, 3:30 pm EST/12:30pm EST
Dana Kaplan and Deborah Edell
Jewish: a religion, a culture, a nationality. Microaggressions occur daily towards humans collectively, and as a collective, WE must take radical personal responsibility to listen and learn about prior and current day experiences in order to hold space and rich awareness around what and how we can change our current paradigm. *Being Jewish is not an age, a gender, or a race.”
19, 20, 21: COVID-19 and Its Effects on the Classes of 2020 and 2021
Saturday, August 21, 2pm
Meredith Struewing, Moderator
Ann Lewandowski
Adamari Macias
Bonnie Weinzapfel
Aishwarya Rao
Sarah Zygmuntowski
This panel will feature recent female college graduates sharing their experiences about graduating into a pandemic-filled life and the obstacles they’re undergoing to find their evolving definition of success as women. Round-table discussion topics will include expectations vs. reality when searching for and securing a job, the ability to ask for help, mental health, and the opportunities young women gained and missed out on in the last two years.
Kitchen Table Talk in the AAPI Community
Sunday, August 22, 5 pm EST | 2 pm PST
Sara Ku, Moderator
Mae Chandran
Katie Chin
Melody Lorenzo
Cuisine is one of our strongest touchpoints in discovering different cultures and the history that it holds. It’s also one of the strongest bonds between culture and identity, and that is true for all these amazing Passionistas, who are representing their AAPI culture with their own flavor. Join our conversation, as if we invite you to our kitchen table in our own homes as we share our food journey, purpose and overall mission for AAPI representation.
An ADHD Entrepreneur
On-Demand Presentation
Victoria Moreno-Jackson
Medicine’s male bias (amongst others) begins as early as childhood. According to the CDC, ADHD is diagnosed three times more frequently in boys, not due to prevalence, but presentation. Along with many women, I was diagnosed with ADHD as an adult, with great effort. I am learning to deal with my belief that I am incapable of tidiness, organization, or trying hard enough, supported by the “self-improvement” market built upon feelings of women’s inadequacies.
LUNAFEST® and Roundtable
Friday, August 20, 8pm EST | 5pm PST
Karen Herman, Moderator
PANELISTS: Holly Morris ("Overexposed"), Ciara Lacy, Tracy Nguyen-Chung and Meg Shutzer ("Knocking Down The Fences"), Amy Bench ("A Line Birds Cannot See"), Maria Finitzo ("Until She Is Free") and Sharon Shattuck ("The Scientists Versus Dartmouth")
Films feature strong women, powerful images and impactful language. Stories reflect the diverse perspectives of the filmmakers and their subjects. May contain content not suitable for children or teens. The 2021 Season features seven short films with a total running time of 86 minutes.
Passionistas Profiles Storyteller Event
Saturday, August 21, 8 pm EST/5 pm PST
Cara Reedy, Moderator
The storytellers will share their experiences as Black women followed by a roundtable. Stories include:
The Game of Life — Kimberly Gilgeours — In every area of life there are rules, rules of engagement. How we interact in situations to achieve our dreams and desires. Who makes these rules, how are they discovered and who do they serve. Join me as I share the lessons learned from the Game of Life.
All Things Being Equal — Elle Johnson — Once I actually sat down to consider equality, I realized that for me it was as difficult to comprehend intellectually as it was to attain in reality. I didn’t really understand what equality was supposed to be, because I’d never experienced it. I had internalized an unjust system where I’d come to accept that I would have to work twice as hard for half as much and somehow convinced myself that was okay because it made me stronger. Being the underdog was both spurring me on and holding me back.
After the Turn, Create a New Lane — Nekei Lewis — Nekei Lewis as a young black worker in the industry of retail facing challenges in climbing the corporate ladder from cashier to management.
Growing up Disabled and Hippie in the Middle of a Red State — Cara Reedy — Description coming soon
From Being Labeled At-Risk to Taking Risks — Kim Roxie — Kim Roxie, Entrepreneur and Celebrity Makeup Artist, was kicked out of high school and labeled at-risk. Now she’s taking one of the biggest risks as a female founder, making over the beauty industry. She’ll share her inspirational story of how she was able to still attend to college, fund and grow a business and “qualify herself” for this journey.
Passionistas Persist Awards and Conversations
Sunday, August 22, 5pm
Recipients, Margaret Cho and Dr. Jane Goodall
Amy & Nancy Harrington
Selene Luna
On Sunday, August 22, we will be presenting the Passionistas Persist Icon Award and Passionistas Persist Humanitarian Award to two women who have proven to be unstoppable in following their passions and inspiring women around the world.
Budgeting Tips for Digital Nomads
On-Demand Presentation
Kirsten Barrie
Tips for budgeting while being a digital nomad and solopreneur. I’ll go over the foundational elements to budgeting as well as a few different types of budgets, and how to do them.